Monday, 4 January 2016

#odd even- a success?

I was wrong.  I believed that it would not work.  But it has. Surprisingly.  Today was the major test as it was a working day after a long weekend.  I went out in the evening to the mandi to buy vegetables. There were few odd numbered cars but most of the residents had abided by the rule.  Usually, the mandi is packed with cars. Today it was a pleasure to walk. Most of the cars parked on the kerbside were even-numbered. 
A woman was grumbling about the odd-even rule to a vegetable vendor. Who knows, she told him, how long this will last. Maybe the government would extend the rule, she told him.
I exchanged smiles with a woman standing next to me.  She said to me:
"Such a stupid woman.  If it will help in bringing the pollution level down, shouldn't it be extended? And look at it! There was no traffic jam today.  A journey that used to take 45-60 minutes was over withing 20 minutes.  People like her do not understand."
One of the reasons it has been a success is because the schools are closed. The game will change if the schools were to reopen as many parents drop and pick their child from school instead of trusting the school buses. 
So keeping my fingers crossed, here is hoping that the pollution levels is brought down in Delhi.

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