So, today the TV channels are beaming Modi's speech at the Indian National Science Congress. He has said that he will make Science and Technology a 'priority' and promised to facilitate research. I wonder what kind of research is he planning to facilitate. This year there is a session on Ancient Indian Aviation Technology. This is somewhat like what Vishaka Hari and others of ilk blithely declare that today's science is bunkum and that our sages and such like people knew real science (It is one of major reasons I dislike Vishaka Hari's discourses).
The problem with right-wing politicians is that they are unable to differentiate between mythology and science. The real mischief is when they introduce these mythological tales as science in schools and when they promote research in these 'areas'.
If Mr. Modi is seriously interested in promoting science, then he would do well to stop talking about how creation of Ganesha is vindication that the ancient Indians knew plastic surgery and how the birth of the Kauravas implies that someone at that time knew Genetic Engineering and cloning.
If Mr. Modi is serious about promoting research then he better figure out how to rejuvenate our crumbling universities. If he is truly serious about this, then he better think how he is going to attract good faculty and keep them in India. And he better get a good, competent minister to helm the HRD ministry.
The problem with right-wing politicians is that they are unable to differentiate between mythology and science. The real mischief is when they introduce these mythological tales as science in schools and when they promote research in these 'areas'.
If Mr. Modi is seriously interested in promoting science, then he would do well to stop talking about how creation of Ganesha is vindication that the ancient Indians knew plastic surgery and how the birth of the Kauravas implies that someone at that time knew Genetic Engineering and cloning.
If Mr. Modi is serious about promoting research then he better figure out how to rejuvenate our crumbling universities. If he is truly serious about this, then he better think how he is going to attract good faculty and keep them in India. And he better get a good, competent minister to helm the HRD ministry.
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