Saturday, 23 July 2016

Game of the Genomes by Carl Zimmer

The human genome was sequenced in 2001. I still remember how skeptical many of my professors were at the beginning of the project. Whose genome are they going to sequence, was an oft-asked question. And then there were others who were enthusiastic about the venture. They felt that it would answer a whole lot of questions about our genome. In particular, they were sure we will know for sure what makes us so different from other animals.
Well, the 2001 paper raised a whole lot of questions rather than answering them. In particular, it was disappointing to know that the number of protein coding genes was about the same as that present in mice.  And that whole lot of our genome (in fact 98%) did not code for proteins. In fact, a majority appeared to not to code for anything.  It was called as junk DNA. 
The picture has changed a lot in the past 16 years. We now know that most of our genome codes for something. The trick is to understand what these do.
Over the years, genome sequencing has become popular. It can, after all, tell you whether you are at risk for a disease.  But what else can it tell you?
This is the question Carl Zimmer is trying to find out.  He got his entire genome sequence and then got the raw data from the company that did the sequencing.  Now he is getting it analyzed to understand the information stored in his genome.  The Game of the Genomes is an interesting read.

Sunday, 3 July 2016

Poor Ruby Rai

I feel sorry for the child. All she wanted was to pass in second division. She told that to her father who ensured that she came first in the subject, a subject she clearly has no idea about.  I do not know what the father was up to.  Did he not realize that the whole thing would blow up on their face in this era of instant sound bytes and TV  hunting for stories? 
I have no idea what the authorities are planning to achieve by arresting Ruby Rai. When she needs them most, her parents are on run.  The Minister who wrote a big list of achievements few days back on her Facebook is silent on this issue. She can, of course, claim that education is a state subject and therefore, under the purview of the State Education Minister. Bihar is fortunately not ruled by BJP and therefore, everyone in the Center can wash their hands off.
The rot in our education system run deep and every state is in a mess.  The cut-offs for admission to colleges in Delhi University are a joke. Seriously, they expect some one to get 99% in English?  What kind of examination was administered that a child could score 99% in English?
But who cares? Those who can send their child abroad. Those who can't...well, do they really matter?