Tuesday, 6 October 2015

The future of Indian education-Olympiad on Vedic Education

I am not joking. I received an email from Econ Profit Relations wherein they proudly state that they plan to hold an Olympiad on Vedic education.  Below is appended their mail:
Dear Sir/Mam,

SUBJECT: To organise an objective test "VIJAI BHAV -OLYMPIAD on VEDIC EDUCATION"

              We are proud to share that CEE in association with Econs has launched a Vedic Education test program VIJAI BHAV  designed with an aim of educating Indian students on the values of Indian Culture and Heritage. Vedas are the heritage of Indian culture and every child must be prepared to learn the importance and power of the subjects , with the same aim , Confederation of Education Excellence (CEE), the pioneering body in Education has put forward the step to spread the aroma of the Indian Vedic Education among all Institutions.
              This proposal has been forwarded to your organisation with an aim of conducting the OLYMPIAD TEST ON VEDIC EDUCATION for students at large, As we are aware that INDIA is having oceans of information & literature on Vedas  Indian minds are developed with pure form of inner consciousness where the intellectual power is found visible in the form of practical experience of Indian minds which is acknowledged worldwide.We are ascertained that this association will help the students to understand the gravity of our cultures, technologies and also our success we achieved in ancient era in Science & Researches, We have drafted the test series based on the common understanding of Ancient Science, Vedas and General questions on Indian Heritage. A copy of the topics will be mailed before the exams for the students pre preparation.  
         We are pleased to extend this proposal where CEE aims to take the program ahead from institutional level to state and National Level and reward the students with participation certificates and attractive gifts.

We look forward to have the consent on the above to this proposal ahead. A copy of the proposal is enclosed for the reference.

Needless to say I am amused.  As I anxiously wait to hear the fate of two of our papers submitted to a journal, emails like this provide fodder for laughter.
On the other hand, given the current scenario in the country, I am quite sure that there are people out there who take this seriously.
In their hands rests securely the fate of our education.